Tuesday, November 04, 2008

22:18 First time the 'Wasilla' factor is mentioned. We await a Jackie Onasis style montage of expensively dressed Alaskan Vice President hopefull waving frantically while also speaking. Almost a patting of head while rubbing stomach that could win her the top spot in US politics. Sorry. Second spot. For the moment.

22:25 We've taken a break from the 'real' coverage to branch into The Daily Show. Which we feel is a) funnier and frankly b) more accurate. Go Stewart !

22.27 Watching yesterday's Today Show and noting today's Guardian: what happens to satire should MLK/Rosa Parks/JFK/Jesus win? Disappointment awaits us. Like New Year 2000, something landmark and noteworthy happened, but nothing will be different. For New Year 2000, we based an exultory party on the birthdate of a fairytale figure no more real than Santa Claus (and no less human-created). Is Obama so different?

Does the world change because a black man has a chance to control America?

Fuck I hope so.

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