Thursday, February 22, 2007

H&G are rarely in awe of celebrities. Indeed as readers will note, most are considered the talentless spawn of Russel Brands least funny jokes, of which there are many.....
However in a rare exception to this rule we bring you the king of childhood science , Mr Johnny Ball.
In an age where the Planataaaarium has been replaced by Starworld (see earlier blog) nothing pleased us more than having a chat with the man who brought us 'Think of a number'. A show where the set was as creaky as Brian Ferrys hip joints but the joy of learning was always at the forefront.

Bravo sir.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

While the chattering classes have been in near hysteria about the details of infamous NAPA incident (Needed to Avoid Pee Accident), where an enraged Liza Nowak drove 800 miles wearing an adult nappy rather than loose a few precious seconds to confront a love rival, we at H&G take a rather more benevolent view.
After all, any lady who elects to don a rakish wig and moustache for outer wear should be applauded rather than castigated - whatever the trouser exhalations beneath such attire.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Stop press : My Furry Alarm Clock hits now at 221,000 as of 1st February 17:49 GMT