Wednesday, September 20, 2006

H&G enjoyed great success at the recent M&M Awards which doffed a hat to the best of international media planning. We scooped two first prize awards for recent work on Aviva and made it to the shortlist for campaign of the year. Pipes of the finest shag were packed brim full and silver topped canes twirled with even more vim and vigour than usual. Well done us. WP

One day, H&G will work out how to index our items into proper subject categories, and one of those will be 'food'. But that day is not today. Or tomorrow. Probably.
Anyway, the latest installment in our food series not only obeys the Three Rules Of Cookery (see below) but also proposes that there may be a Fourth Rule. That Rule would be "Could it have a doughnut around it?". Yes, faithful readers, H&G bring you the "Donut Bacon Cheeseburger"...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

As regular readers will know, H&G constantly creates new things; last Friday was no exception. An evening's drinking was enlivened by the creation of brand new cocktail: The Yorkshire Pudding. This sweet libation is intended to mimic the appearance of the classic foodstuff: gravy, roasted batter and a just a tinge of red for its rare roast beef sine qua non accompaniment.
To make your own: get a shot glass, nearly fill with Kahlua, top with Bailey's and add a tiny dash of cherry brandy.
H&G are VERY keen for this to catch on: try one today, order loudly, tell your friends!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Teeth have been grinding at the H&G offices for some time about faux Wildean 'celebrity' Russell Brand. To have his shallow observations and cheap, empty Sixth Form philosophising broadcast to the nation under the guise of 'wit' has long been a source of mild depression. And his endless, self-fascinated confessions to his "Drugs Hell" have bored at least one of H&G into a snarling, cackling homicidal reverie.

It's therefore with joy that we hear tales of last nights G.Q. Awards where he was firmly put in his place, publically, by Rod Stewart. Brand claimed earlier in the evening that he'd slept with Rods daughter. Later in front of the whole audience he was forced to admit that he'd lied. Seems that a public school education and daddies trust fund doesn't buy you real class.

Rod - rock on. WP