Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hmmm. Yes. Well. H&G are still debating the veracity of the bacon martini web site (see comment below). We're extremely pleased with the wordplay of "The Dickens", that much is certain.

In fact, the site raises several deeper philosophical quandaries: can one have too much of a good thing? Could cheese be added to the martini for further enhancement? Do the 3 rules of cookery apply also to beverages?

Dear readers, we are floundering in a soup of pontification; perhaps you can provide some answers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having too much of a good thing… is such a thing possible? And that ponderous soup raises the question of when does a beverage become food and food become a beverage? If one was to liquidise food, would that be a beverage, or remain food. By changing its state, can it be changed – is ice a food or beverage?

I fear I’m straying from the point. Let us return to the original question, would cheese enhance the bacon martini or not and can one have too much of a good thing? Well, I suppose one can only try the cheese with the bacon martini, although I suspect the type of cheese may be crucial (gorgonzola may be preferable to edam). After all, one should always be willing to try new things. My dear H&G, I think this may be a new idea for you both to experiment with.

And as for the question of whether one can have too much of a good thing. Well, my experience suggests that yes, one can. Everything in moderation dear boys.