Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Having landed safe and sound from Moscow there are several things that one half of H&G discovered.

Firstly, that the much vaunted Russian economy seemed to have collapsed while I was there.

The other that the other half of H&G has messed around with the 'Profile' section in order to use an amended version of this blog during an interview. For those wondering why Jack suddenly had control fear not.

The monkeys have only briefly been let out of the asylum.

So, a quick thanks to a sibling for this latest piece of breaking news.

We've always been partial to Bacon. Indeed in earlier posts you'll note that there are specific rules about the consumption of Bacon and Cheese in combination. But we hadn't noticed this site before.

H&G wish we had the time to actually write a full time blog on Bacon...but as there are so many things to critique or worship in this life we are greatful that there are others who can.

1 comment:

Hannah Gosh said...

I love the fact that all posts are now seemingly authored by Jack; anyone reading this blog that didn't know better would be likely to conclude that "Will" is one of Jack's "personalities" :v