Having accidentally caught the end of Dr Who last Saturday which told the tale of a Dalek experiment to create a new human hybrid, H&G were rather surprised to see that when the body casing opened and the new limbed creature emerged it was dressed in spats and a full 3 piece chalk stripe suit.
Setting to one side the issue of whether their tailor had correctly recommended the right cloth (understated of course in order to not compete with the tentacles) we were more intrigued to ask how the tailor had managed a second fitting in the first place. Or even a first for that matter.
It then poses other questions.
Do all Daleks possess a pair of shoes and a pile of prechosen fabric inside their armoured casing(neatly tucked one presumes underneath the exterminator ray gun) ?
Did they have a range of fabrics to choose from and a good selection of swatches (one hopes that tweed was represented) ?
What happens if the weather proves inclement and they need a double worsted fabric instead of the gay and colourful linen that first caught their eye ?
Better still, as the hybrid Daleks emerge to the brighter new world, each stepping out for the first time in their new suits, each majestic and terrifying, which poor miscreant ruined it all by picking the 'Ben Elton' silver 80s fabric ?
Fashion is mightier than the stair after all.